6 Series




No successors:

6er Coupé become 8er G15

6er Cabrio become 8er G14     

6er Gran Coupe become 8er G16

New: 6er GranTurismo

6 Series 1st.generation.

E24 Coupé 1976-1982


E24 Coupé  1976-1982

Year: 1976-1

Nr: 6 11 07 01 10

Type: E24

Country: GER

Year: 1976-1

Nr: 6 11 07 01 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1976-1

Nr: 6 11 07 04 10

Type: E24

Country: GER

Year: 1976-2

Nr: 6 11 07 06 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1977-1

Nr: 6 11 07 06 25

Type: E24

Country: USA

Year: 1977-1

Nr: 7 11 07 01 20 UK

Type: E24

Country: UK

Year: 1977-1

Nr: x

Type: E24

Country: USA


Year: 1977

Nr: x

Type: E24

Country: USA


Year: 1977

Nr: x

Type: E24

Country: USA


Year: 1977

Nr: x

Type: E24

Country: USA


Year: 1978

Nr: 8 27 06 02 10

Type: E24

Country: UK

Year: 1978-2

Nr: x

Type: E24

Country: USA

Year: 1978-2

Nr: 8 27 06 04 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

BMW Tour d' Europe 1978


Year: 1978-2

Nr: 8 27 06 04 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

BMW Tour d' Europe 1978


Year: 1978-2

Nr: 8 27 06 04 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

BMW Tour d' Europe 1978


Year: 1978-2

Nr: 8 27 06 04 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

BMW Tour d' Europe 1978


Year: 1978-2

Nr: 8 27 06 04 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

BMW Tour d' Europe 1978


Year: 1978-1

Nr: 8 11 06 01 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1978-2

Nr: 8 11 06 03 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1979-1

Nr: 9 11 06 01 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1979-2

Nr: 9 11 06 03 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1979

Nr: x

Type: E24

Country: Canada

Year: 1980-1

Nr: 0 11 06 0110

Type: E24

Country: GER

Year: 1980-2

Nr: 0 11 06 02 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1980

Nr: x

Type: E23 

Country: Japan

Year: 1980

Nr: x

Type: E23 

Country: Japan

Year: 1981

Nr: 1 11 06 08 26

Type: E24

Country: USA

Year: 1981-1

Nr: 1 11 06 01 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1981-2

Nr: 1 11 06 02 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1982

Nr: 2 11 06 05 70

Type: E23

Country: Japan

Year: x

Nr: x

Type: E23

Country: Japan

Year: 1982-1

Nr: 2 11 06 12 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1982-2

Nr: 2 11 06 08 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1982

Nr: x

Type: E24

Country: Englisch

Year: 1982-2

Nr: 2 11 06 09 21

Type: E24

Country: UK

Year: 1982

Nr: x

Type: E24

Country: UK


Year: 1982

Nr: x

Type: E24

Country: UK


Year: 1983-1

Nr: 3 11 06 01 20

Type: E24

Country: GER

Year: 1983

Nr: 3 11 06 05 26

Type: E24

Country: Canada

Year: 1983-2

Nr: 3 11 06 05 30

Type: E24

Country: France

Thick version

Year: 1983-2

Nr: 3 11 06 07 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Thin version

Year: 1984-1

Nr: 4 11 06 02 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1984

Nr: 4 11 06 04 70

Type: E23

Country: Japan

Year: 1984-2

Nr: 4 11 06 07 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1984-2

Nr: 4 11 06 10 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1985-1

Nr: 5 11 06 01 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1985-2

Nr: 5 11 06 11 25

Type: E24

Country: USA

Year: 1985-2

Nr: 5 11 06 11 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1986-1

Nr: 6 11 06 01 10

Type: E24

Country: GER

Year: 1986-1

Nr: 6 11 06 01 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1986-2

Nr: 6 11 06 02 10

Type: E24

Country: GER

Year: 1986-2

Nr: 6 11 06 02 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: x

Nr: x

Type: E24

Country: x

Year: 1987-2

Nr: 7 11 06 04 65

Type: E24

Country: NL

Year: 1988-1

Nr: 8 11 06 01 10

Type: E24

Country: GER

Year: 1989-1

Nr: 9 11 06 02 21

Type: E24

Country: UK

6 Series 2nd.generation.

E63 Coupé  2002-2011 together with E64 Cabrio 2002 -2011


6 Series 2nd.generation.

E63 Coupé  2002-2011

E64 Cabrio 2002 -2011

Year: 2003-2

Nr: 3 11 006 181 21

Type: E63 Coupé

Country: UK

Year: 2003-2

Nr: 3 11 006 173 65

Type: E63 Coupé

Country: NL

Year: 2003-2

Nr: 3 11 006 181 65

Type: E63 Coupé

Country: NL

Year: 2003--2

Nr: 3 11 006 176 65

Type: E64 Cabrio

Country: NL

Year: 2004-1

Nr: 4 11 006 113 25

Type: E64 Cabrio

Country: USA

Year: 2004-1

Nr: 4 11 006 113 65

Type: E64 Cabrio

Country: NL

Year: 2004

Nr: x

Type: E64

Country: Australian

Year: 2004-2

Nr: 4 11 006 234 65

Type: E63 E64

Country: NL

Year: 2005-1

Nr: 5 11 006 111 65

Type: E63 E64

Country: NL

Year: 2005-2

Nr: 5 11 006 253 65

Type: E63 E64

Country: NL

Year: 2006-1

Nr: 6 11 006 105 65

Type: E63 E64

Country: NL

Year: 2006-2

Nr: 6 11 006 374 65

Type: E63 E64

Country: NL

Year: 2007-1

Nr: 7 11 006 143 65

Type: E63 E64

Country: NL

Year: 2007-2

Nr: 7 11 006 348 10

Type: E63 E64 LCI

Country: GER

Year: 2008-1

Nr: 8 11 006 007 65

Type: E63 E64 LCI

Country: NL

Year: 2008-2

Nr: 8 11 006 164 65

Type: E63 E64 LCI

Country: NL

Year: 2008

Nr: x

Type: E63 E64 LCI

Country: USA

Year: 2008

Nr: 8888 1900 811

Type: E63 E64 LCI

Country: Australian

Year: 2009-1

Nr: 9 11 006 100 65

Type: E63 E64 LCI

Country: NL

Year: 2009-2

Nr: 9 11 006 100 25

Type: E63 E64 LCI

Country: USA

Year: 2009-2

Nr: 9 11 006 213 21

Type: E63 E64 LCI

Country: UK

Year: 2009

Nr: x

Type: E63 E64 LCI

Country: UK

Pricelist 9/2009

Year: 2009-2

Nr: 9 11 006 213 65

Type: E63 E64 LCI

Country: NL

Year: 2010-1

Nr: 0 11 006 099 25

Type: E63 E64 LCI

Country: USA

Year: 2010-1

Nr: 0 11 006 099 65

Type: E63 E64 LCI

Country: NL

6 Series 3th.generation.

F13 Coupe  2011-2018

F12 Cabrio 2011-2019

F06 Gran Coupé 2011-2018


6 Series 3th.generation.

F13 Coupe  2011-2018 together with F12 Cabrio 2011-2019

Year: 2010-2

Nr: 0 11 005 653 20

Type: F13

Country: INT

Year: 2010

Nr: x

Type: F12 

Country: x

Year: 2010

Nr: x

Type: F12

Country: x

Year: 2010-2

Nr: 0 11 006 373 10

Type: F12

Country: GER

Year: 2010-2

Nr: 0 11 006 374 21

Type: F12

Country: UK

Year: 2010-2

Nr: 0 11 006 374 10

Type: F12

Country: GER

Year: 2010-2

Nr: 0 11 006 374 25

Type: F12

Country: USA

Year: 2010

Nr: x

Type: F12 

Country: Japan

Year: 2011-1

Nr: 1 11 006 043 65

Type: F13

Country: NL

Year: 2011

Nr: x

Type: F13

Country: Japan

Year: 2011-1

Nr: x

Type: F12 F13 

Country: UK

Year: 2011

Nr: x

Type: F13 

Country: USA

Year: 2011

Nr: 95 38 1 111 202

Type: F12

Country: UK

Pricelist: 1/2011

Year: 2011-1

Nr: 1 11 006 044 21

Type: F12 F13

Country: UK

Year: 2011-1

Nr: 1 11 006 044 65

Type: F12 F13

Country: NL

Year: 2011-1

Nr: 1 11 006 044 55 

Type: F12 F13 

Country: Spain

Year: 2012-1

Nr: 4 11 006 045 65

Type: F12 F13

Country: NL

Year: 2012-2

Nr: 4 11 006 346 25

Type: F12 F13

Country: USA

Year: 2013-1

Nr: 4 11 006 058 64

Type: F12 F13

Country: Belgium

Year: 2013-1

Nr: 4 11 006 058 30 

Type: F12 F13

Country: France

Year: 2013-2

Nr: 4 11 006 286 65

Type: F12 F13

Country: NL

Year: 2014-1

Nr: 4 11 006 043 65

Type: F12 F13

Country: NL

Year: 2014

Nr: x

Type: F13

Country: Canada

Year: 2014

Nr: x

Type: F12

Country: Australian

Year: 2014

Nr: x

Type: F12 F13 F06

Country: Canada

Year: 2014

Nr: x

Type: F13

Country: Australian

Year: 2015

Nr: x

Type: F12 F13 F06 LCI 

Country: Canada

Year: 2015

Nr: x

Type: F12 F13 LCI

Country: GER

Pricelist: 3/2015

Year: 2016

Nr: x

Type: F12 LCI

Country: GER

Pricelist: 3/2016

Year: 2015-2

Nr: 4 11 006 244 20

Type: F12 F13 F06 LCI

Country: INT

Year: 2016-1

Nr: 4 11 006 066 10

Type: F12 F13 F06 LCI

Country: GER

Year: 2016

Nr: x

Type: F12 F13 F06 LCI 

Country: Canada

Year: 2017-2

Nr: 4 11 006 251 10

Type: F12 F13 F06 LCI

Country: GER

Year: 2018

Nr: x

Type: F12 F06 LCI

Country: France

Pricelist: 2/2018


6 Series 3th.generation.

F06 Gran Coupé 2011-2018

Year: 2011

Nr: x

Type: F06

Country: UK

Year: 2011-2

Nr: 4 11 006 355 20

Type: F06

Country: INT

Year: 2012-1

Nr: 2 11 006 002 65

Type: F06

Country: NL

Year: 2012-2

Nr: 4 11 006 326 65

Type: F06

Country: NL

Year: 2012-2

Nr: 4 11 006 326 77

Type: F06

Country: UAE

Year: 2013-1

Nr: 4 11 006 057 65

Type: F06

Country: NL

Year: 2013-2

Nr: 4 11 006 285 65

Type: F06

Country: NL

Year: 2014

Nr: x

Type: F06 

Country: China

Year: 2014-1

Nr: 4 11 006 038 65

Type: F06

Country: NL

Year: 2014-1

Nr: 4 11 006 038 21

Type: F06

Country: UK

Year: 2014

Nr: x

Type: F12 F13 F06

Country: Canada

Year: 2015

Nr: x

Type: F12 F13 F06 LCI 

Country: Canada

Year: 2015-2

Nr: 4 11 006 244 20

Type: F12 F13 F06 LCI

Country: INT

Year: 2016-1

Nr: 4 11 006 066 10

Type: F12 F13 F06 LCI

Country: GER

Year: 2016

Nr: x

Type: F12 F13 F06 LCI 

Country: Canada

Year: 2017-2

Nr: 4 11 006 251 10

Type: F12 F13 F06 LCI

Country: GER

Year: 2017

Nr: x

Type: F06 LCI

Country: China

Year: 2018

Nr: x

Type: F06 LCI

Country: Argentina

Year: 2018

Nr: x

Type: F06 LCI

Country: Chili

Year: 2018

Nr: x

Type: F06 LCI

Country: France

Pricelist: 2/2018


New: 6 serie Gran Turismo

G32 Gran Turismo 2017-2024

Year: 2017-2

Nr: 4 11 005 279 10

Type: G32

Country: GER

Year: 2017-2

Nr: 4 11 005 337 21

Type: G32

Country: UK

Year: 2018-1

Nr: 4 11 006 148 70

Type: G32

Country: Japan

Year: 2018-2

Nr: 4 11 006 364 12

Type: G32

Country: Switzerland

Year: 2019-1

Nr: 411 006 104 55

Type: G32

Country: Spain

Year: 2019-2

Nr: 411 006 284 70

Type: G32

Country: Japan

Year: 2020-1

Nr: 411 006 100 55

Type: G32

Country: Spain

Year: 2020

Nr: 411 006 100 55

Type: G32

Country: UK

Year: 2020

Nr: x

Type: G32

Country: China

Year: 2020

Nr: 4 60 65 20 32020

Type: G32 LCI

Country: GER

Pricelist: 11/2020

Year: 2020-2

Nr: 411 006 250 20 

Type: G32 LCI

Country: INT

Year: 2020

Nr: x

Type: G32 LCI

Country: Korea

Year: 2020

Nr: x

Type: G32 LCI

Country: Thailand

Year: 2021

Nr: x

Type: G32 LCI 

Country: GER

Pricelist: 11/2021

Year: 2021

Nr: x

Type: G32 LCI

Country: France

Pricelist 6/2021

Year: 2021

Nr: x

Type: G32 LCI

Country: China

Year: 2021-1

Nr: 411 006 054 65

Type: G32 LCI

Country: NL

Year: 2022

Nr: x

Type: G32 LCI 

Country: Taiwan

Year: 2023

Nr: x

Type: G32 LCI 

Country: Malaysia

Year: 2023

Nr: x

Type: G32 LCI 

Country: Belgium

Pricelist 3/2023

Year: 2023

Nr: x

Type: G32 LCI 

Country: NL

Pricelist 7/2023

Year: 2023

Nr: x

Type: G32 LCI 

Country: Austria

Pricelist 7/2023

Year: 2023

Nr: x

Type: G32 LCI 

Country: Singapore

Year: 2024

Nr: x

Type: G32 LCI 

Country: China